Monday, September 28, 2009

oh facebook, you cruel cruel mistress

as i sit here this evening, staring at a blank piece of computerized paper, i can't help but wonder when the words will appear.
i blame facebook and all of it's wiley and seductive ways. because, let's be honest, the trivial status updates, repetitive photo uploads and silly "which thimble are you" quizzes by far surpass don quijote de la mancha and social class construction in entertainment value.
it is an addiction, this facebook. an addiction i could easily break by un-facebooking myself.
unfortunately, i am an addict and am hardly willing to part with my vice.
even at this moment, i am itching to check to see if anybody has "liked" the status about having a good day, or has commented on the status that complains about school. even better yet, i yearn to click through photos of old classmates--if only to check their current weight gain and to compare it with mine...
