1. People making out (not really interesting, but worth mentioning because it happens so often)
2. A woman with one normal arm and another arm with no fat or muscle. All you could see were her veins enclosed by skin. I usually don't like to point out other people's disabilities (so to speak), but this was like nothing I've ever seen. I also am not generally disgusted by people's ailments, but I literally thought 'if I glance at that arm one more time, I'm going to throw up.' I wonder what happened to it?
3. A pair of shoes on the tracks...
4. Two brothers (or lovers?) in a physical fight, while laughing. It was so obnoxious that one French woman stepped off the métro at one stop and got into the next car.
5. A group of German adolescents who had to be the most annoying group of people in the history of the world. When the train stopped made a rough stop, they screamed. I almost lost it, but mostly because the ten year-old with them wouldn't stop touching me.
When you go to Paris, hire a driver,