Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Parisian life

I've decided that the best place in the world to people watch is the Paris Métro. Every Parisian takes it, along with tourists from every corner of the world. Unfortunately, along with a live show, comes at least one person with the worst body odor you've ever smelled, unbearable heat and sweating, and having to touch at least a dozen strangers (one of whom may be the source of the b.o.). Gross. On a positive note, here are some of the more interesting things I've witnessed:

1. People making out (not really interesting, but worth mentioning because it happens so often)
2. A woman with one normal arm and another arm with no fat or muscle. All you could see were her veins enclosed by skin. I usually don't like to point out other people's disabilities (so to speak), but this was like nothing I've ever seen. I also am not generally disgusted by people's ailments, but I literally thought 'if I glance at that arm one more time, I'm going to throw up.' I wonder what happened to it?
3. A pair of shoes on the tracks...
4. Two brothers (or lovers?) in a physical fight, while laughing. It was so obnoxious that one French woman stepped off the métro at one stop and got into the next car.
5. A group of German adolescents who had to be the most annoying group of people in the history of the world. When the train stopped made a rough stop, they screamed. I almost lost it, but mostly because the ten year-old with them wouldn't stop touching me.

When you go to Paris, hire a driver,


  1. P.S. I also saw a woman who was slightly on the plus side, wearing floral stretch pants with a saggy but and zippers at her ankles just near the metro.

  2. oh man.
    sounds like any public transport in any large city.
    gotta love people.
