Wednesday, June 3, 2009


so i have a confession, but don't hold it against me.

i used to collect stickers.  

Long ago, in the days of my early childhood, i had a little black composition notebook filled with stickers: puffy ones with googly eyes, scratch and sniff, sparkly, small, name it, i had it.  while most of them were collected from frequent visits to the doctor's office, dentist's office, and successful school exam papers or homework assignments, there were others. these special few had been meticulously picked out from the masses of stickers that could be found at the store.  they had special features: glittery wings on a fairy or soft fur on an animal...things one with a sticker collection could not pass up.  oh it was dazzling, that collection, and entertained me for hours while it lasted.  however, it was a short-lived collection that ended as quickly as it began.  i soon learned that it was difficult to maintain friends and other hobbies if too much time was spent perusing over pages full of sticky paper.  i gave them up and moved on to bigger and better things: a stamp collection.

although i probably should have gone through life wearing a helmet, due to other indiscrepancies, i do not view this little fad as marring my ability to meander through life with some semblance of normality.  in fact, i view my ability to confess my former addiction as proof that i have certainly moved on.

trust me.


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